
I’ve been wanting to do a podcast hang out with Scott for a long time (it’s actually more than that, apparently- it’s a Substack collaboration. Whatever that means).

We covered the Prop 414 initiative that will be voted on here in Tucson in March. We talked about how this regressive sale tax will hurt working families and small businesses. We also covered national and international topics - including the ICE raids, Gaza, Ukraine… I mean, damn, we threw it all.

It was a lot of fun. But, I see that I was hogging the mic a little. And that is a lost opportunity, because Scoot has been around the political block more than a time or two. It’s a disservice to you when you don’t get to hear more of his take on stuff.

And speaking of his takes, don’t forget to subscribe to his Substack called Bogg News. He packs in all kinds of political content, focusing mostly on local issues relating to Tucson. But he is not shy about writing about broader national and international news.

And like the proper Irishman that he is, his vibe drips with sarcasm and satire that only punches up to the man with his boot on our necks. It’s good shit. You won’t be disappointed.

Next time - and it does appear that we are gonna try and do this monthly - I’ll shut up more and let the man speak.

Until then, enjoy this podcast episode! And don’t let that tie squeeze the Chicanismo out ya brain!

iPaz y Guerra!
